I skipped church and spent all morning sleeping in order tos ave energy for the concert J I traed to get my brothers, my cousins, or freinds to come with me, but all turned me down. So I hopped on a bus downtown by myself and hoped that I would meet up with the rest of the people who were going to the concert. I had no idea who would be there or how I would recognize them… until I saw a sea of black. There were about thirty adolecents dressed in black with thick eyeliner and big combat boots. BINGO! I approached the crowd and asked them if they were going to the concert. As I waited, I walked around the park taking pictures and admiring the capo eira that was taking place.
I met a couple of neat people who I spent time at the concert with. One of whom actually walked me through downtown SJ to make sure that I got safely on the bus back home :) And another who was the younger brother of some of the band members and friend of my cousin....? e
yes…. I don´t get it, I
We filled the bus and made it with plenty of time to spare. The first group to play was Azgad. While they played, the lead singer screamed and I felt as though it ripped through the atmosphere, and penetrated into the hearts of the crowd opening them up to what God wanted to do during the night.
I was sitting (saving energy for the band that I had come to see, as I was still running a fever) when all of a sudden I felt a wind rush through the room. It was one of those Holy Spirit movements, so I turned and I saw that Setimo Fuego had arrived. It was as though with them they brought this presence with them. It was so beautiful.
When Setimo Fuego played, I
was front row in front of my friend. I was there totally into it, headbanging and elbowing those moshers who came too close to me. I left with a bruised foot, and hurt ear, but other than that, fully intact. It was really neat to see the crowd so into their band. The crowd hadn't been near the stage for ANY of the bands and then for Setimo Fuego they were all crowded around, and even singing into the mic...
During their song ¨Heredias sangrientas¨(bleeding wounds) I saw little m
usic notes leave guitars, float toward the crowd with bleeding hearts, turn into little crosses, and pick up the droplets of blood that had fallen, carry them to the heart, and act as a stitch to hold the wounds together. To me this spoke of how Jesús is concerned with each drop of blood that we shed, and wants to bring healing to our hearts. Through all of this, a blue cloud hovered over the crowd as they played, it was this healing balm that just rested on all those who heard their music that night.
I met a couple of neat people who I spent time at the concert with. One of whom actually walked me through downtown SJ to make sure that I got safely on the bus back home :) And another who was the younger brother of some of the band members and friend of my cousin....? e

We filled the bus and made it with plenty of time to spare. The first group to play was Azgad. While they played, the lead singer screamed and I felt as though it ripped through the atmosphere, and penetrated into the hearts of the crowd opening them up to what God wanted to do during the night.
I was sitting (saving energy for the band that I had come to see, as I was still running a fever) when all of a sudden I felt a wind rush through the room. It was one of those Holy Spirit movements, so I turned and I saw that Setimo Fuego had arrived. It was as though with them they brought this presence with them. It was so beautiful.
When Setimo Fuego played, I

During their song ¨Heredias sangrientas¨(bleeding wounds) I saw little m

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