Monday, June 8, 2009

I like waking up early. I love sneaking away to be with my lover before the business of the day sets in. Today he told me he was going to bring his peace (not the counterfeit peace that the world gives) and to prepare my mind and my heart because things that I can’t even begin to imagine are going to be taking place. ALRIGHT! It has to do with Jeremiah the end of chapter 32 into chapter 33. AWESOME I SAY YES, JESUS!

We all piled into a little tourist bus, and drove a couple hours through the beautiful tropical mountain side. You could just feel the air resting upon your skin. It felt as though if I stood still enough dew drops would form on me. And the smell OH THE SMELL! Even though I’ve been here a thousand times before, it seems as though my lungs are breathing fresh air for the first time. It crawls up my nose and as it reaches my lungs it opens them up to something new. Beautiful, just beautiful.

We stopped on the side of the road because we ran into two men, walking with two ox pulling an oxcart. The man had a shoulder problem that ran from his shoulder down to his leg – gotta be a nerve or something, so I pray- and he’s healed. He was like huh, I’ve prayed so much before, God must not hear me. I reassured him that this wasn’t the case, but that there are three major blocks to healing.
1)unbelief – we need to have faith that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That his desire is to heal, to bring healing
2) unforgiveness – bitterness, grudges, all of this – this will block healing
3) disobedience – walking in the darkness gives the god of darkness permission to have his way in your life – and he comes to steal kill and destroy (sickness comes to steal our health, destroy our bodies…. See where I’m going with this….)

I told him that he doesn’t have to meet a certain mark for God to hear him, that Christ has already paid the price, it’s a DONE DEAL, he can’t add not even a drop more blood that’s already been shed on the cross, and that his salvation could be secure – because if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord, and we believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead, we will be saved. Not we have to pray and act really good, and do everything right, and we will be saved. NO. It’s a heart thing. COOL YAY JESUS!

So we made it to the Volcano and it was CLOUDY, we were walking through the clouds (at 7,500+ feet above sea level) And there was no way this thick mass of clouds were going to lift so we could see the crater. SO, of course, we prayed. We prayed not only for the lifting of the clouds, but the lifting of the oppression of woman in this country. POWERFUL STUFF. We waited another hour with no avail, so we turned and walked away, and as we did, someone said, hey look! It’s lifting- So we ran the block that we had walked away and saw the crater- it was awesome.

While there I ran into a carving that I had done 4 years ago... It used to read "Ademar+ Tasha = <3" tasha =" HA... I'm glad that time makes things fade...

Hiking through the jungle, o man, nothing like it. It’s incredible. The vines, moss covered trees, oh man, oh man. I feel like I’m in some fantasy book, and some mystical creature like a nymph or fairy is going to grace us with its presence. WOW! We hiked to a GORGEOUS lagoon, and then back again, and then hit the road again.


This is the Kris I know. YAY JESUS, I WANT TO SEE MORE OF HIM

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