Kris graduated- and he was looking SO GOOD – so cool with his new faux-hawk hairstyle, skinny jeans, and dress shirt open with tie loosly hanging around his neck. He long-boarded to his graduation. Unfortunately he needed to change his entire look- button up shirt, roll down sleeves, tuck it in, fix his tie- HA- it was great.
I quick headed out to COMUNITAS- an amazing group of spirit filled people who just want more of Jesus. I listened to an AMAZING testimony of a woman in her walk with intimacy with God, had a couple of people who helped get me “filled up, and fired up” for my upcoming trip- it was great- I had never experienced being DRUNK in the Spirit before this moment- but I could tell that God was up to some pretty cool things. This guy prophesied over me that I was going to be doing great and mighty things during this trip, that God was going to draw me even more intimately to him, that it was going to show that I am a daughter of ZION and that I was going to be like a push pop coming forth- it was pretty neat. AND he was saying that people close to me were going to be encountering Jesus YES LORD! THANK YOU JESUS, I CAN”T WAIT TO SEE IT HAPPEN
I was bummed that I had arrived to comunitas late, because I was going to miss worship, but some people started worshiping at the end to- I’m pretty sure I spent like an hour and a half soaking it all in, singing, and receiving different words from God about this season of my life.
I got home around midnight and called Andy to come over and keep me company while I tried to fight sleep. (It seemed ridiculous to psyke my body out, tell it that I’m sleeping when I have to leave for the airport at 2)
We ended up leaving for the airport around three, my bag weighed EXACTLY 50 pounds. I got on the plane and slept. We made it to the airport in Atlanta, and I walked with my eyes closed almost all the way to our gate, listening to my sister who went in front of me. Then I grabbed my brothers board and SKATED IN THE AIRPORT = AWESOME. The floors were so slick, and even the carpet was nice to skate on. Got on the next plane and slept.
By 1:00 we were stepping out of the airport and stepped into the humid tropical air, to greet my grandma, uncles, and cousins. We got home and I hid in the room and started to write and read, and tried to sleep but then I couldn’t.

We were getting ready to go to the stadium to watch the soccer game – US versus Costa Rica. In case you were wondering I went carrying a sign that said “I live in the United States, but my heart is with Costa Rica”
It was an INCREDIBLE game. I prayed with my sister about the game and just seconds later, Costa Rica scored- only two minutes into the game! Then I asked God if he would let us score again, to which he replied- scoring all at once wouldn’t make for a fun game would it? So then the next goal he told me “this one’s goin’ in” –and of course, it did. Then in the second half Costa Rica had a chance at a penalty kick, I asked God to give Costa Rica wisdom and as to how to effectively move where and when, in order to score. They did an awesome play which was finally blocked by the US – (oh I prayed for wisdom for Costa Rica- but it didn’t mean that the US wouldn’t also have wisdom to stop it. So the next chance I had I prayed for wisdom for Costa Rica, and for confusion for the US, and we SCORED! It was an incredible game that ended 3-1 The US only scored in the last few minutes because of a penalty shot. We earned 9 points leaving US with 7 and if we win against Trinidad y Tobago on Saturday we will have secured a spot in the World Cup. My favorite part of all of this- I went to the game with God- what a great date
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