Monday, August 20, 2012

You're My Oasis in the Desert

One thing about deserts-  they are HOT
Hot enough to burn away all the yuck.

Refining, Redefining.

Blossoming, Growing.

Through everything there is one thing that I know...

God is good.

All of the time, HE IS GOOD.

And nations will KNOW of his goodness.
They will taste of the sweetness of his love.
They will experience His heart of mercy and of grace.
They will KNOW His truth, and they will be free.
They will KNOW who they are in Him.
Apart from him nothing can really exist... It withers away with the heat of the sun
But what He builds lasts.

He designed this heart
This heart that holds so much love for the nations
I will not let this voice be silent
For I will yet sing, continue singing, and DANCING
for the greatness of God.