We were supposed to be hanging with kids at an orphanage, but the H1N1 has people scared, and the ministry of health is not allowing foreign teams to work with kids…. Great…BUT it shows that Jesus has something else in store for us. OPEN DOORS, FATHER

<- that's Rebekah paying really close attention while kris, not so much...
At night we had a team meeting, and we had each of the kids take their journals, and write at the top of the page “God, what do you want to say to me” and then they would take it from there. Some kids got pictures, one got a vision, one a poem, one a song, one who speaks NO SPANISH got words like Corazon and te quiero (heart and I love you) – she had never heard these words in her life…. Cool, JESUS, MORE LORD LET THEM HEAR YOUR VOICE MORE AND MORE, LET THEM BE HUNGRY FOR MORE, DESPERATE FOR THAT TIME WITH YOU. OPEN THEM UP TO THE PROPHETIC, LET THEM BUILD EACH OTHER UP IN LOVE.
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