I woke up at 6 to Gabi, Sofi’s sister, getting ready work. It was just as well because I was able to spend some really nice time with God, before everyone was up. I was showere and just hanging out by seven thirty. I almost went up to see Ademar at this time, but I thought it would be way to early. So I waited.
I talked for quite a while with Sofi’s mom, Edelma, and we went to go pick up bread frm the Musmani together. I felt like I was walking on clouds the entire time, seeing all the old sites, as I walked almost the exact same route that I used to walk to and from school daily. It was so great. AH I love San Rafael, its one of my favorite cities in the world! After I came home and ate a piece of bread, and a mango shake, I went to the internet for half an hour, and when I got back, Sofi was awake.
Sofi couldn’t come, because her foot is bruised up real bad, having had a heavy glass dropped on her foot by one of her customers at the mall she works at. So she didn’t going me to go see Ademar. My stomach was tied in knots as I walked through the park on the way to his house. And then the words came to mind “even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil” and then the song “I will fear no e-vil for my God is wi-th me and if my God is with me, whom then shall I fear? Whom then shall I fear. Oh no, you never let go through the calm and through the storm Oh, no , you never let go of me…” So I know I’m not facing a life or death situation or anything here, but fear had loomed up in me, and so I had to confess that I was giving place and room for what Ademar thought of me, how he reacted to me, to hold a place in my life. So I cut off with all of that, because the only one who can judge me is Jesus, and he is just, he is merciful, and full of grace. SO I continued walking up the hill in the heat of the morning with confidence.
Upon arriving and calling to Ademar, no one came out, I waited, and called again. Then his mom popped her head out of her neighbors house, and invited me in. So I sat and talked with Dinora, and Sarita (Josue’s mom) for a while. After a while I asked if Andres was there, since he had been going there daily to work with Caleb (he’s an architect) And he came out, and I saw him, and we caught up for a while and it was great. I love him so much. He is such a special sweet hearted man. He went back to work, and I headed down the hill toward the park.
While I was waiting at the bus stop, I saw a woman digging through the trash outside of the supermarket, grabing things that they couldn’t sell for one reason or another. And it just burned within me that I wanted to buy her a bag of rice and beans. When I saw burned within in me I’m talking profit Jeremiah saying “If I say I will not mention him, or speak more in his name, there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in , and I cannot.” (Jer 20:9) So I went and bought her a bag of rice and a bag of beans $6-7 dollar purchase. And for me having nothing that’s a lot. So I go to give it to her and she says, set it over there. She didn’t even receive the gift in her hands. So I set it there. When I see her next she is waiting for the bus, having left the bag where I had set it. I was so confused and hurt. Had God not placed it in my heart to do this? Is she not in need of this? Instead of scrounging through the garbage, she had before her a meal. WHY? Why would she leave this? Why didn’t she want it? Was it because I had said God bless you? Was it because she had pride? Was it because I presented it to her with pride? God quieted the questions of my heart, and spoke to me that I had done what he had placed for me to do. I did it with all my heart for Him. And He is grateful, he received this. How she reacts is hers, and has no weight on me. He showed me that this is how many are presented with the free gift of Life – here on this earth, continued into eternity in Jesus- that they need not pay the price for their sins and face death- he’s already paid it- he’s given them the meal, yet still they scrounge around looking for something else in the garbage…
So I got on the bus, only it was the one to the Monte de la Cruz and not las Chorreras like I needed. At first I was kind of upset because I would need to walk a ways and up a steep hill, but then Irealized that God had an appointment for me. So I asked the woman next to her if I could pray for her. She said for her daughter who was pregnant, so I did, but how God works- he placed things on my heart to pray for her. And she rested her head in my shoulder, I could feel that she didn’t have that, someone to confide in and just hold her, so I did, and I saw a picture of God having a big lap and him just folding her in his arms. It was beautiful.
I got off the bus and WALKED and walked. And I felt the need to walk quicker, and as I did God spoke to me of how one day I would need to walk REALLY FAST and with ease to get from one village to another, to tend to medical emergencies – K God! Cool.
So then I see this old man walking down hill hobbling along with a cane. So I cross the road say the normal “Buenas” as you se a stranger walk passed you. Then I asked him about his knee. He told me it was bad and that he used to fall a lot and hit his head, and then he started to walk with a cane. So I asked him, if I could pray for him. “Of course!” was his reply. So I spoke healing to his knee, I told it to come into alignment every cell tissue, muscle- everything- and then I felt a shift in his knee under my hand, I felt his blood flowing through it washing away something. When I had finished with that, he asked if I was praying for the sick, and I said, yeah sure.
He told me that he was deaf in his left ear. So I asked if I could stick my fingers in his ears, and he said yeah, whatever you want. So I did and I commanded his ears to open, and everything to come into alignment as the way the Lord had created it. His tympani, incus, malleus,and stratus. And as I said that I saw in my minds eye that the connections of these parts of his ear were broken, the middle one kind of sagged farther down from the other two- I saw them line up right. And when I took my fingers out of his ears he said thnk you. I asked him how he was and he said better. So I asked him for real? (many times I’ve encountered that out of politeness people will say yes when really it’s a no) But he was like seriously I hear 100% out of this ear. I told him that it was because of Jesus that he was now healed and that he and his family must give all thanks to him for this.
As I write now, I realize that back in July, Jesus asked me to study the anatomy of the ear, because he wanted me to open someone’s left ear. I would pray every once and a while for this person’s ear and this person who was going to be healed. I was always on the lookout for one, but I came across several right ears, which I prayed for, but not seeing anything happen. It was such a treat to finally see God do something with the word that he had given me 11 months ago. YAY!
So I finally made it to see my family numero dos. I was greeted by Yami, and Catalina, and Carla (who I had talked with over face book and emails, and was just now getting the opportunity to meet) Her fiancé Ian was there. They are such a cute couple. Right now both of them are applying to be staff at the YWAM base in Montana next year. Cata was washing her dog, Nacho (from Nacho libre) a deaf boxer who doesn’t answer when called to. Yami and Cata and Carla and I chit chatted for a while catching up on what is going on in everyone’s life.
With a loud crack of thunder it started raining like torrential downpours- my favorite J But I started to pray for my friend Mario (Maruko), Yami’s son, because I knew he was on his way home, and I was praying that he wouldn’t get soaked, wherever he had to get off and on busses. After a bit he showed up and said hi. And then so did Alvaro, Catalina’s fiancé. Yami showed me all of the beautiful jewelry she makes and sells to try to help with some of the costs of living on the mission field. Then I joined Ian, Carla, Cata, Alvaro, and Mario who were watching Wolverine. Then Mario Sr came and I gave him big hug (he gives really good hugs) and caught up a little with him. He brought with him chicken so we all sat around the table to eat. He was asking about what I wanted to do, and where I was heading next, how Africa was, all that good stuff.
Then I was just chilling in the living room, and asked Mario (Maruko) how his school of worship went, what were the most impressionable things, and what God was doing in his life. This went into intimacy with God, hearing God’s heart first for yourself, and then for other people, prophesy. It was really neat and very REFRESHING to have someone talk with about these things here.
I fell asleep on their couch and missed the bus I needed to take down, but caught the next one an hour later and I figured that God had some plan with this too. I met Gabby, Shirley, and Carolina, at the bus stop, and then stopped by Sofi’s to say goodbye, thank you and pick up my stuff. We walked down to catch a bus from La Suiza and Gabby shared with me about the conversation she was having with Shirley about the exsistence of God (all in Spanish for some reason) and then I told her that I felt it was important to go into detail of the conversation, and so she did, giving the example that a person could have been smoking marijuana for five years without having anyone know it, but then some stranger walks by, God reveals it to them calls them out on it, and tells them what God has for them. As she shared this I had Holy Spirit goose bumps all over, and I knew that the example she gave was true of someone on the bus.
We got off and walked and then waited for the next bus, I saw this girl, and then God just gave me this song, and I started singing and more words came and it was this invitation to life, that she was trying to fill an emptiness, hide her insecurities, but that she can come out of hiding, because God wanted to fill her.
Then on the bus, this guy was standing in the aisle outside of my seat and I say a picture of God having this penetrating light, like a white laser going through his body, and cutting out all of this extra black goop that he had covering his organs; namely his heart. So I told him this and how God wanted to take all these weights he’d been carrying around and free him of everything that has been weighing him down, bring freedom. I prayed all of this into him, and then Gabby said that when he was several feet away from us (before I had even seen him) she said that she knew that God had an appointment with him, and that I was going to end up praying for him.
We made it to the airport and talked to EVERY stinkin department that I could, I had left my camera on the plane, and no one had turned it in…. JESUS, WHY? I LOVE TAKING PICTURES, I WANT A CAMERA…. After an hour, my mom, Kris, Joanna, Ruth , and Kelly showed up.
It was a GREAT DAY, I was really encouraged.