My heart belongs to the Lord!
It hasn't always been this way.
If I had a string of pearls,
I've handed out pearls along the way.
to men.
to hands that knew not how to hold them,
how much they cost, how much their worth.
squandering them like pearls to pigs,
all the while attempting to hand the entire set to the Lord.
Not knowing that He didn't hold them all,
until one day when truth was spoken in love.
My heart exposed,
I had to go there.
I'd hidden from it.
But hide, I will never more.
Being able to look, was to be able to see
that some of my pearls were in the hands of a man.
I took them back and held them,
only to see the Lord extend His hand.
He wanted them.
He wanted all of them.
His precious pearls, with such high a cost.
I'd never let Him hold all of them before.
And though fear loomed at the thought,
I chose to trust.
That although He'd never held them all before,
His hands could hold them all.
I choose to trust, and
my heart belongs to the Lord.
He holds the jewels of my heart,
until one day
when He sees a man
whose hands will be worthy to hold
such great a treasure.
But even then He will have him know
that what he has is only on loan.
My heart belongs to the Lord.
This is beautiful