When women compliment women on their clothing you'll often hear where they got it, how much they paid for it, or who made it for them. Why do we do this?
We look to ascribe something worth. How are we ascribing worth? By honoring it's place of origin. When looking at a work of art one can often find the artist's name somewhere in relation to it. When hearing a song, we often ask "Who is this by?" Upon meeting someone new, we ask where they are from- it gives us a glimpse of who they are.
Similarly, "What do you have that God hasn't given you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast, s though it were not a gift?" (1 Corinthians 4:7)
When we are met with success, we must boast in Christ for the gift of the circumstances he has allowed for us to succeed. We must give credit to the Lord for was we do as in partnership with Him.
This is not only true of our works, but of our very existence. We should be moved into praise that we are alive, and know that our identity is both founded and secure in Him.
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