Monday, December 24, 2007

Rotting Fruit

When I was preparing my sermon, I was really frusterated that God wasn´t giving me a dirrection, or even a topic. I stressed out, became bitter, angry, and let this get in the way of not only my relationship with God, but with my teammates as well.

In tears I cried out to God and asked him why I had not dirrectin for my sermon that I was supposed to give withing 5 hours. He responded with ¨what was the last thing i aked you to do?¨ I honestly couldn´t remember and asked him to remind me. ¨rake¨ Rake? I was like, okay seriously God, that´s rediculous, I want to rake all the garbage and rotting fruit from around the house to the pile in the back, but not now, i need to get ready for my sermon now.... I knew that I should have done what God had asked me to do but I stubbornly refused and instead racked my brain, and went over notes, and stressed out even more for over an hour. Finally, I was like fine, fine God, I´ll try it your way.

I asked for a rake and began raking the garbage and rotting fruit from the yard to the back pile. During this time, I figured out that raking wasn´t necesarily what God wanted me to do. But he wanted for me to take the focus off of myself, and for me not to rely on my own abilities, but to put the focus on him, and trust that he is in control. During this time I was praising God, and by praising God- exalting His name instead of my own- he was able to rake away from my heart the bad fruits of bitterness, and anger that I had let take root.

and that is what the sermon was about, worshiping God, giving him the glory. That God is a passionate God and that is how we should go about life as well, taking joy in everything that he has blessed us with, and in worhiping God, it acts in the opposite spirit of apathy, self centeredness, and bitterness

1 comment:

  1. Tasha,
    ok I am sitting here crying reading all that God is teaching and leading and all the amazing experiences you are experiencing. I thank God for who you are and your willingness to serve Him. It is hard because it is Christmas and you are not here, but seeing your pictures and reading your blog---it is incredibly evident to me that you are where you are supposed to be and I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you and miss you a ton---May God bless you on this sacred day!!!!
