Thursday, December 20, 2007

Maria Çu, Brazil

Of the week that we were in Santa Rosa Peru, we were given the opportunity to spen one day in a community in Brazil. We werent sure where we were going to stay, or even if we were going to be allowed to stay there, but we felt that this was where God was leading us so we went.

Our team waited as our leaders went to talk with the chief of the community to ask permission for us to stay therw. Once granted permission, we went to the house of a pastor to ask to stay in the church, which we were also granted.

while there we also played with kids and performed dramas and teaching for a church service. But this time it was more challenging becuase none of the kids could understand spanish, when they spoke portuguese we were able to understand them, but their main language wasn´t portuguese but Ticuna. Despite language barriers we were still able to communicate the message of God´s love.... that sounds so corny, but its so true.

9After this I looked, and behold,(H) a great multitude that no one could number,(I) from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb,(J) clothed in white robes, with(K) palm branches in their hands, 10and crying out with a loud voice,(L) "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"

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