I really don't know much scripture... but. I've heard murmurings of this among the body of Christ.
"We need to love God first, our spouses second, children third, family/ministry etc" list trickles outward. But this hierarchy seems two dimensional to me. I understand the concept, it seems like a good one at that! But, we don't live in a two dimensional world, and I feel like we could go deeper- I feel like this is a rightly ordered list of priorities of where we should be investing our time, and I feel like my thoughts on the subject would likely reflect a similar pattern. But. This deals with a position of our hearts, and not a checklist. The checklist mentality is what I want to challenge.
We are called to love God with all of our heart, all of our soul, and all of our might. So let's love God! lavishly, unrelentingly, passionately- love Him with all you've got!
But does it end there? I personally don't think so. As we enter into relationship with this God that we love, and we are open to the love that He has for us- it can't help but flow outward ... My question is: could we love ourselves, and love our neighbors in a similar way- with all of our heart, soul, and might? Are we limited to only loving God in this way? If we are- that would be awesome- because he LOVES, and he loves well.
I'm not wanting to dethrone God here, by any means- we give honor where honor is due! (And he is DEFINITELY due some good honoring). I just feel like if we are truly loving God, and open armedly receiving his love- we won't be able but help loving ourselves and loving others with this multifaceted depth.
God is love.
So when we are loving- whether it be Him, ourselves, or others- it's an expression of Him.
So lets sit at our Abbas feet, lavish Him with love, be loved on by Him, and be expressions of His love to ourselves and those around us.
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