Tuesday, November 20, 2012

When Jesus Knocks

I love how beautiful Jesus is.
How He meets us where we're at.

I'm in this process, allowing Jesus to breathe life into my heart again. I endearingly call this my deiceification process. One of the areas of my heart that He's breathing life into is my heart for the nations- and one continent in particular - Africa. I'm not in a place where I would go right now. So God brought someone to me. :)

I'd probably only been awake for a half an hour, still recalling the dreams that I dreamed last night, when I heard the doorbell ring, not once- but twice. I answer the door expecting a salesman, but to my surprise there was a 12 year old (soon to be 13 year old) girl named Elizabeth asking for directions to her school.

I told her- but then noticed there wasn't a car around at all, and asked her if she had walked. She had taken the city bus from another town, to my town and had been walking quite a ways in the opposite direction of her school. I offered her a ride... pause here... The car that I drive only became drive-able not even 48 hours ago! I love this...

While I was gathering my keys and purse, she noticed some photographs that my mom has on her walls.
She asked if they were of Africa. I had said yes they were from when I had gone and then and asked her if she had family there- she shared that she was from Liberia, and then later when asking her if there was any way that I could pray for her- she shared that her mom dad and brother were still there. We talked and I just got to know her a little bit as I took her to school. It turns out that one of the buses was early and many kids missed the bus today.

I love that of all of the houses that she could have knocked on, she came to mine. Jesus knew how to take care of each us- her in her need to get to school- and me in my desire to reach out, and give.

Another little fun thing is that her name in the Greek means "oath of God" or "God is satisfaction" Two realities that are very near to my heart right now.

Life in Jesus is the best.

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