Monday, April 2, 2012

Provision Upon Provision

My palms were a bit sweaty as I carried the shiny green bike frame up our flight of stairs. I was nervous about locking up on the veranda where everyone could see it. I had become quite vigilant about locking it up within the closet of our apartment's car port.

Not too long before, I had left my bike just outside the closet door, in between my friends car and the closet. When I went to go to work, my bike was gone. I had taken as a personally, as the bike had been a gift from some dear friends.

I was going to start school which was a good 10 minute drive from my house, and as I later came to know because of my friend's generosity, about a 25 mn bike ride.

I was so sad starting my shift right after I had found out. I shared with a few of my regulars what had happened, as they had expressed their concern for me.

Later that evening, Barry, a sweet older gentleman who comes in every day to get his wife 2 Venti Caramel Macchiatos (one for that afternoon, and the other that she reheats for the morning). This was his second visit of the day, and as he walked in the door - he pointed to me and that he needed to talk to me. I was making drinks- so I was going to take a few seconds to finish up and as I did, he wheeled in a beautiful green mountain bike!

I came from behind the counter and gave him a huge hug. "I told my wife about your loss, and she wanted you to have hers. She only rode it once or twice"

It was so incredible to me how God used this family that I barely new to bring so much hope to my heart, and share so much of my Father's heart toward me.

A few days later I was hanging out with a friend on my day off, when I received a phone call from my store. I reluctantly answered as I didn't want to work on my day off and had figured that was the nature of the call. To my surprise, Mohammad, another regular from our store (grande coffee) was on the store's phone. "Natasha, come to the store right now." My friend and I walked to Starbucks to meet him, and there he was with a big grin on his face, a white towel in his hand. He handed me the towel and said that it might need to be wiped off and pointed to the bike propped up against the window of the store... He also handed me a pump which I could keep to make sure the tires stayed full (which is so awesome because I secretly don't like going to the gas station to fill my bikes tires).

I had one need - transportation to school.
God provided, not once, not twice, but three times over. Restoring what I lost two times over.

So I now have two beautiful mountain bikes, and am able to share my bike with a coworker who was also needing some form of transportation to and from school.

Back to carrying my bike up the flight of stairs... As I locked it up I didn't understand why I felt God nudge me to lock it up there as opposed to in the closet. Periodically throughout the night I'd take a peek to make sure it was still there. Finally, I let go, and decided to trust Him. If it was Him nudging me to do so, then he'd also take care of it, even if I didn't understand why...

Later on He whispered over my heart... I want to put on display my provision for you.
And every day that I go to lock it up or unlock it, I'm reminded of how well He takes care of me :)

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