Giggly girls.
Making food.

It was SO wonderful to see our friend Miranda aka Randy be healed.
We were discussing which 2 girls would get the pleasure of cozying up in the twin bed, and which one of us would sleep on the floor. I was totally set for the floor when Randy shares that the floor is better for her because of her back. She explains the pain she had had and discomfort of having a pretty major curve in her spine. I was like, "so let's fix that ..."
Zahkea and I layed hands on her back, prayed, and spoke healing over her body. Sure enough, our God is HEALER. Miranda, wide-eyed, reports the difference that she feels in her body not only from the pain, but also with less intense of a curve.
We could totally see that she was carrying herself differently, and not only in her posture. She said that she felt taller. We all run to the doorway where she had been keeping track of her height. She showed us where she had been at, how she had shrunk (because of the curve in her spine) and upon measuring her- she was TALLER than both of the latest markings :)

To celebrate this healing, Randy slept in the cushy bed :)
YAY! Love it friend ... and thanks for honking with me today.