Memorial day weekend was PHENOM!
Saturday we took a day trip to Deception Pass- it was so beautiful!
As we walk across the bridge, we can look down and see the swirly waters raging violently - much to dangerous for smaller vessels to brave. The waters of this incredible sight empty into the ocean making for a SPECTACULAR view. My Uncle and I hiked part of the mountain on the other side as my cousins played with the rocks along the beach shore. On our way back as we crossed the bridge, I started singing Hosana (Hillsong United version) and as I did I remembered a dream, where I started to sing that song at the mouth of a river .... WAIT! I look out - it was this river that I dreamed about just a week prior to me knowing this place even existed!
SO... needless to say, I SANG and sang and sang pouring out worship to God as we walked back, to attempt to find the rest of my family. We didn't find them on the first beach, nor the second - we could had checked at the car before venturing out - but I knew that we "wandered aimlessly" for a reason - so that I could worship along the shores of those waters, simply my presence there and what was taking place in the spiritual realm of things was just incredible- God is just so good, he wants to redeem his people, call his land back to him, show them his love.... wow
We went to church, where I listened to a pastor share about how demons exsist, that Jesus has all authority, and that we need to act like it. It was good, but Idk what God wanted to show me there- it just felt like yeah... and... Maybe God wants me to learn patience, when being explained things that I am well aware of, in fact miles ahead of this point. And as I write this... maybe a lesson in humility as well.... oh dear...
anyways, after church we headed out to Mount Reiner, up to a point called Paradaise- which is just that. It was so beautiful being up near the tops of the mountains. The weather was so warm that I was in my short sleeve shirt, but we were trudging through the snow! my feet were totally soaked, as my choice footwear always seems to be canvas.... And though I could barely feel my feet we kepts moving, hiking up the snowy mountainside in that heavy wet snow, taking pictures, getting into snowball fights, and for my cousin kaylee and I- slipping up and down the slope while laughing UNCONTROLABLY so that every one who passed by was given a smile and I could just see the transformation from all seriousness and lost in dazed thought- to a light hearted appreciation
for the joy that my cousin and I share - I sure am going to miss her...
we had a chill day at home, I read a lot of the current book I am reading "Eat, Pray, Love" I really like it, tons of interesting things.
Which leaves me with today, Tuesday, to pack get everything together, finish the mosaic I'm workin on, get all my pictures burned onto discs, do laundry, type up my dreams for the past 5 days... faliling behind here, gah! but I go home tomorrow :) I'm soooo excited to be going home
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