Update written by Katie on behalf of our team.
Greetings from Worcester!
Our Primary Health Care team has just returned from the first part of outreach, where we spent 3 weeks in the town of Nysne, South Africa. The Lord met us there, and provided incredible opportunities to serve and to learn! During the first week and a half, our team was welcomed into the local HIV clinic, where we helped a little and learned LOADS. The clinic is located on the campus of the city's hospital, yet just far enough from the main building for the patients' positive HIV status to be "well-known" among the community. This stigma is an enormous problem here in Africa, and is very often the reason why so many refuse to come for treatment. They would rather suffer and die from AIDS in their homes, than be exposed to the community and be treated. It is heartbreaking.
The clinic sees HUNDREDS of HIV-positive patients every DAY, and is bravely run by ONE doctor alone. This woman absolutely blew us away, as we sat in her office and witnessed an endless stream of compassion and patience flowing out of her and into each patient she treated. We were SO blessed to observe her, day in and day out, and even receive lectures and teachings on HIV and the Anti Retroviral medications used in treatment. We also spent time with the nurses – doing basic vital signs, and sat in on numerous counseling sessions for recently-tested positive patients. Our experience at the clinic was full of learning and we praise the Lord for the amazing relationships built.
From the hospital, we moved on to a new setting – an Assisted Living home for physically handicapped and elderly patients. We jumped right in, and had an amazing few weeks building relationships with the residents and helping with their care – bathing, feeding, dressing, toileting etc.
The Lord brought us safely home to the base, and we will depart tomorrow for our 5-day journey to Marromeu, Mozambique.
Please pray for travel mercies and safety. Pray that God will begin to prepare the hearts of those we will come in contact with – that they will be receptive to the love and hope we are bringing them, and will allow God's healing to come – both physically and spiritually.
We may not have frequent access to technology during our time in Mozambique, but will do our very best to keep the updates coming! Thank you all for your prayers and support!
Jennifer, Steve, Natasha, Mawuse, Grace, Donna, Karissa, Hilaire, and Katie
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