The next two weeks we spent in the city of Tabatinga, a town that borders Leticia. Motorcycles and moto-taxis zoom by. For them, this is more than a form of transportation, it is also a source of entertainment. In the U.S. we may go out to a movie or to grab a bite to eat, there they drive there motorcycles around the main street of town. It's quite amusing to sit and pick out one motorcycle and watch it pass by some seven times, making the couple mile loop around the median.

While there, we worked with a church and stayed in the sunday school classrooms. Every day we went and did some sort of creative evangelism. Some days we would be clowns in the park with kids, other days we would write verses with chalk on the sidewalks around the park. We would stop and talk with anyone who was curious. It was so cool to see people so receptive, and so willing to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior.

During our time at this church, I gave the message in a youth service (i don't know why they call it a youth service when people of all ages attend) I spoke about masks, and challenged people to take their masks off and accept who God says that they are, as opposed to living by who the world says that they are. To drive this home everyone recieved a paper mask (the type you would see at a masquerade) and at the end of the service, we all ripped them in half.
I also spoke to the youth about evangelism, what it is, and that we are all called to do it wherever we are, that it is our responsiblity as Christians.
This time in Tabatinga was difficult, but with God's strength and grace, we overcame the challenges placed before us as a group, and in our relationships with each other as they arose.
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