It has been very difficult communicating with my spanish and their portuguese, but God's love has no barriers.
A couple of nights ago we did some door to door evangelism and invited people to an event that we held in someones makeshift front yard. we presented dramsa shared a messeage of restoration and healing. It was really cool to see the Holy Spirit moving in this place, even though we werent fully communicating. Where we come short, God fills in the blanks, and does even more than we could ever try to do.

Today we had a ton of kids come to the community center that we are staying at, and had game day where we divided into l\teams and led them through some fun games. (I was super excited to play soccer in Brazil for the first time with some kids who are super passionate about this sport) I just pray that with that sam passion they would be able to view God and their relationship with him. While we fed them we presented some dramas, and I'm really excited just to see the seeds that are being planted. That what we are doing is reaching and impacting the youth.
Tash I'm very proud of all the great work you are doing. God bless you and all your team. I'm jealous of you playing soccer in 'Do Brazil". I love you and miss you very much. Thanks for writting. Love your Dad