have been excellent! each week a teacher from a different base from a different part of the world comes to teach the class.
1st week- was about knowing the character of God and leading a lifestyle of worship - a life of purity, passion, purpose, and proclamation. I found one concept quite interesting, it deals with the heart. The heart consists of one's intellect, emotions, and will. And to worship God whole heartedly it needs to be broken from my self and offered up to God, each and every one of these areas without holding back.
2nd Week- Identity! This week we focused a lot on who we are in Christ. my identity in Him is invariable because He is. He is my stability no matter what my circumstances are. When we aren't secure in out identity, its when we turn to other things in seach for love. we begin to relate to people acting out of our flesh. we may manipulate people, situations, and hide behind false securities. God wants us to allign our heart with His character, love, revalatation, absolutes, justice, and will. In order to do so we need receive healing to be free from the burden that we carry through prayer of confession - bringing out the pains of the soul, renouncing these things, and forgiving- those that i have hurt, those that have hurt me. we had a time of ministry where restoration definitely took place.
3rd week- a lot of this weeks teaching focused on recognizing God's voice in our lives, developing that sensitivity, seeking his guidance, and making sure we know its Him
This week is about relationships..... more to come feel free to comment or question anything i have on here ask for biblical referance or whatever, i'm writing this while being very sleepy, so if something doesn't make sense, let me know, or if you don't agree let me know as well....
off to sleep, i've got to milk the goats early in the a.m.
Wow, sounds like an awesome couple of weeks. So glad that you are blessed to be there learning so much!! I would love to hear more about all of it, so keep journaling. Also would love to hear more about the Kidz reach and what you think about it. Milking goats huh? How cool is that. The chicken thing was a little too yucky for me!!! Love ya, mom