The second week that we were here, someone had a vision of an eagle flying over a dark sky, but that it was really tired, and it was having a hard time flying. We prayed about the vision and asked God to reveal the meaning of it in His timing.
The following week the base directors from El Salvador came to give classes. In the first class, before we got into the material, the woman giving the class shared what she received when she was praying for our DTS that she had a word for the DTS which was the word "renovaion" along with that, she received that we were a DTS represented by an eagle, and began to explain the process that the eagle undergoes in its old age....
when an eagle reaches about 40 or so, it flys to a cave high in the mountain and begins a long and painful process. It first begins to pull out all of its feathers with its talons, and then pull out his talons with his beak, and finally breaks his old warn beak against a rock and pull it out. this is a very long process and slowly each part grows back, so that it can fly with great strength once again.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Every Thursday we go to serve in the community or contribute in some way.
The first place that we went was to the recycling facility in San Rafael. We helped move and sort cardboard, newspaper, and all sorts of random things that should not have been recycled. I praise God for protecting us in here as we came across used syringes and the like.
The second Thursday that we helped set in place a barrier for a path at a school that provides a good bilingual Biblical based education for children that might not be able to afford such education. This consisted of digging a trench along the path to lay some tree branches in and serve as a barrier to prevent much from sliding down onto the path from the hill.
Today we went on a prayer walk throughout the neighborhood. As a group we prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide us as we prayed for the community. We walked in silence for about an hour praying individually, and then as a group as we felt lead. God is so awesome! At first I had my doubts as to whether or not anything would actually come of this, but as I passed different houses, God revealed to me different things to pray for. In the end we came together to share what God had placed on our hearts to pray for, and it was very interesting finding out that we were lead to pray about similar things for certain areas. As we walked back to the base, clear shimmering water ran through the normally dirty and clouded gutter on the side of the road. It was a symbol of what God is doing in this community, His spirit is most definitely moving!
The first place that we went was to the recycling facility in San Rafael. We helped move and sort cardboard, newspaper, and all sorts of random things that should not have been recycled. I praise God for protecting us in here as we came across used syringes and the like.
The second Thursday that we helped set in place a barrier for a path at a school that provides a good bilingual Biblical based education for children that might not be able to afford such education. This consisted of digging a trench along the path to lay some tree branches in and serve as a barrier to prevent much from sliding down onto the path from the hill.
Today we went on a prayer walk throughout the neighborhood. As a group we prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide us as we prayed for the community. We walked in silence for about an hour praying individually, and then as a group as we felt lead. God is so awesome! At first I had my doubts as to whether or not anything would actually come of this, but as I passed different houses, God revealed to me different things to pray for. In the end we came together to share what God had placed on our hearts to pray for, and it was very interesting finding out that we were lead to pray about similar things for certain areas. As we walked back to the base, clear shimmering water ran through the normally dirty and clouded gutter on the side of the road. It was a symbol of what God is doing in this community, His spirit is most definitely moving!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
have been excellent! each week a teacher from a different base from a different part of the world comes to teach the class.
1st week- was about knowing the character of God and leading a lifestyle of worship - a life of purity, passion, purpose, and proclamation. I found one concept quite interesting, it deals with the heart. The heart consists of one's intellect, emotions, and will. And to worship God whole heartedly it needs to be broken from my self and offered up to God, each and every one of these areas without holding back.
2nd Week- Identity! This week we focused a lot on who we are in Christ. my identity in Him is invariable because He is. He is my stability no matter what my circumstances are. When we aren't secure in out identity, its when we turn to other things in seach for love. we begin to relate to people acting out of our flesh. we may manipulate people, situations, and hide behind false securities. God wants us to allign our heart with His character, love, revalatation, absolutes, justice, and will. In order to do so we need receive healing to be free from the burden that we carry through prayer of confession - bringing out the pains of the soul, renouncing these things, and forgiving- those that i have hurt, those that have hurt me. we had a time of ministry where restoration definitely took place.
3rd week- a lot of this weeks teaching focused on recognizing God's voice in our lives, developing that sensitivity, seeking his guidance, and making sure we know its Him
This week is about relationships..... more to come feel free to comment or question anything i have on here ask for biblical referance or whatever, i'm writing this while being very sleepy, so if something doesn't make sense, let me know, or if you don't agree let me know as well....
off to sleep, i've got to milk the goats early in the a.m.
1st week- was about knowing the character of God and leading a lifestyle of worship - a life of purity, passion, purpose, and proclamation. I found one concept quite interesting, it deals with the heart. The heart consists of one's intellect, emotions, and will. And to worship God whole heartedly it needs to be broken from my self and offered up to God, each and every one of these areas without holding back.
2nd Week- Identity! This week we focused a lot on who we are in Christ. my identity in Him is invariable because He is. He is my stability no matter what my circumstances are. When we aren't secure in out identity, its when we turn to other things in seach for love. we begin to relate to people acting out of our flesh. we may manipulate people, situations, and hide behind false securities. God wants us to allign our heart with His character, love, revalatation, absolutes, justice, and will. In order to do so we need receive healing to be free from the burden that we carry through prayer of confession - bringing out the pains of the soul, renouncing these things, and forgiving- those that i have hurt, those that have hurt me. we had a time of ministry where restoration definitely took place.
3rd week- a lot of this weeks teaching focused on recognizing God's voice in our lives, developing that sensitivity, seeking his guidance, and making sure we know its Him
This week is about relationships..... more to come feel free to comment or question anything i have on here ask for biblical referance or whatever, i'm writing this while being very sleepy, so if something doesn't make sense, let me know, or if you don't agree let me know as well....
off to sleep, i've got to milk the goats early in the a.m.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
My Birthday
It was a bit hard having my first birthday away from my family but it was fun nonetheless....
Jade April (April is one of my room mates and a volunteer at the base) and I went downtown Heredia to celebrate. We went out to eat pizza at a little Italian place, and had some yummmy ice cream from some little colombian place.
Here is april and I ready to dig in!
Jade and I
Enjoying our ice cream in the park (good ice cream for a doller, couldn't get any better than that)
so Jade saw the police officers with their guns and expressed that she wanted a picture.... so I went up and in the most american sounding accent I asked them if we could take a picture sense we weren't used to seeing police officers carrying around big guns. They were quite enthused.
Later that night we made a Costa Rican version of puppy chow (meaning they don't have some of the ingrediants here)
Jade April (April is one of my room mates and a volunteer at the base) and I went downtown Heredia to celebrate. We went out to eat pizza at a little Italian place, and had some yummmy ice cream from some little colombian place.

Later that night we made a Costa Rican version of puppy chow (meaning they don't have some of the ingrediants here)

Running around like a chicken with its head cut off...
So today my friend Sol asked me if I wanted to kill a chicken. I told him that I wouldn't kill it, but that I would watch..... but watching turned into me holding the chicken's legs in the air while he cut the chicken's head off. The chicken didn't move at all, until his head was cut off completely. Then the saying seemed to make sense. It became harder to hold onto the chicken as its legs started making a running movements, and its wings started to flap around like crazy, and I had to step on the wings to keep it still. It was quite the experience :) we ended up eating this chicken in a soup for lunch, which was quite interesting as well.... So now that I've seen how its done, I might actually do it next time.....
Sunday, October 7, 2007

Coincidence? I think not....

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