I went to get a piece of cardboard to paint, and I felt God whisper ¨I have something better¨so I didn´t grab the cardboard...
I pulled out a nice big chunk of wall out of some discarded building materials, and I thought it was PERFECT. I got out the paints and magazine clippings and started making one of my famous collages. Again I felt God whisper ¨this isn´t what you are going to present¨ I pretty much said whatever God, as I continued to work on the painting. ¨This is just for you¨I ignored Him and kept working...
As I walked into my bedroom I Dare You To Move by Switchfoot played very vividly in my mind, and I did a little twirl.... O NO GOD... O NO... I AM NOT GOING TO DANCE. I´m going to present this painting...
I listened to the song, and it was like something inside of me woke up, and desired to dance, I saw the first part of the dance - it was going to be the story of the deliverance of my fears, and idols...
But I was so AFRAID to dance, because well, quite frankly I don´t know how...So I asked God, ¨do I have to dance?¨¨no¨ he responded, but I could feel his heart sadden, so I asked ¨Do you want me to dance?¨ ¨Yes¨ ¨Okay, then, I´ll dance...but it needs to be totally of you, you need to be alll over this...¨
As I played the song over and over again, God would show me a little more of the dance play out, but I was missing a big chunk of time...
I went to the celebration and had songs, poems, and artwork minister to my spirit. Then I saw this girl dance, she had such grace, such fluid movement, and I...welll... I started to compare myself and make every excuse for why I should just share my painting.
God stopped me mid stream of though ¨let this dance touch you, just receive from her dance, you have something different to offer¨I had been so caught up and focused on my own dance that I wasn´t taking hers for the beauty that it brought to the room. So I just soaked it all in, and then prayed as I presented mine, that God´s Holy Spirit would empower me,and open hearts and that my dance would be used for His purposes
I gave it everything I had, and as I was dancing God showed me what the last part of the dance, and it was so powerful. Even if it wasn´t to touch the hearts of others, this dance was a prophetic declaration over my life, over my calling, where I´ve come from and where I´m going... With just a step at a time I´m learning to dance.

La semana que ense~o Kristy acerca de sanidad interior, tuvimos un dia de celebracion. Cada uno de nosotros teniamos que creer algo acerca de lo que Dios habia hecho en nosotros durante la semana. Tome una cartolina para pintar, y senti que Dios me dijo "Tengo algo mejor" entonces no use la cartolina. Al rato vi un pedaso de pared entre unas materiales que habian botado, y pense que era PERFECTO.
Saque las pinturas y empeze una de las obras de artes que estoy acostumbrada de hacer. De nuevo senti Dios susurar "esto no es lo que vas a presentar" Y basicamente lo ignore y sigui pintando,mientras que El me dijo que "Esto es solamente para ti" pero aun asi segui trabajando.
Subi a mi cuarto y la cancion "I dare you to move" (Te Reto Mover) de Switchfoot sono tan fuerte en mi mente. Hize un movimiento de baile que salio de mi corazon. ... O NO... DIOS... NO... NO VOY A BAILAR. Voy a presentar esta pintura.
Escuche la cancion, y fue como algo dentro de mi se desperto, y deseo bailar. Vi el primer parte del baile- iba ser una estoria de la liberacion de mis temores y idolos...
Pero, tenia tanto MIEDO de bailar, porque francamente, no se como... Entonces pregunte a Dios, "tengo que bailar?" "no" respondio Dios, pero senti que su corazon entristesio. Entonces pregunte "quieres que yo bailo" "si" "okay, entonces, bailare... pero esto necesita ser completamente de Ti, nesesitas estar en esto"
Mientras que escuche la cancion una y otra vez, Dios me ensenio mas y mas de el baile, pero me hacia falta la parte del final....
Fui a la celebracion y las canciones, poemas, y obras de arte ministraron tanto a mi espiritu. Luego vi esta muchacha bailar, tenian tanta gracia, movimiento que fluye... y yo... pues empeze a compararme, y hice excusas por que debia solamente mostrar mi pintura.
Dios me paro mientras que estaba pensando y me dijo "deje que este baile te toque, recibe de este baile, tienes algo diferente para ofrecer" Estaba tan enfocada en mi baile que no estaba dejando entrar la hermosura que el baile de ella trajo al lugar. Entonces tome de lo que ella ofrecio y luego ore para que El Espiritu de Dios me empodera, y abriera corazones para que mi baile podria cumplir con los propositos de el.
Entrege todo lo que tenia para dar, y mientras bailaba, Dios me mostro el ultimo parte del baile, y fue tan poderoso. Aun si Dios no lo iba usar para tocar los corazones de otros, este baile fue una declaracion profetica sobre mi vida, mi llamado, de donde vengo, y hacia donde voy... con un paso a la vez estoy aprendiendo bailar.